In order for the Kaiserreich to break a sweat, a lot of things need to fall out of place (basically all countries of the Reichspakt starting solo careers). Russia is a second-rate power, and the eastern part of the Reichspakt can easily hold until Germany has dealt with the Communards. The only sensible course for Germany in that scenario is to resolve the crisis asap, and then focus on the French. Yes, Wilhelmland is overstretched and needs to deal with a serious economic and political crisis, while the Reichswehr is effectively comatose. Originally posted by Chef:Well, it's a bit the lore of Kaiserreich. The solution to a frail Germany is not tanking my game's speed because you roided out the entire Reichspakt and have the 2nd Weltkrieg end by 1940 from Germany just stomping all its enemies into paste and Sea Lion'ing Britain a week into the war. They literally are so powerful the Reichspakt overstacks supply lines and takes attrition from having several dozen divisions in one supply region. And when you're playing Russia and are so constantly cycle-spammed by over 400 divisions that you consistently are unable to even do anything anytime a gap opens, you get encircled solely because one division with a spaciously empty noggin left a spot open and then the cycle swarm moves in while ensuring you can't even move one tile, it's just. It's basically been handing the game to Germany on a platter every successive game I've played in the last several weeks. Easily four HUNDRED on the border with Russia in 1941. They have easily steamrolled the Syndicalists and the Reichspakt has vanilla 1945 quantities of units. As of the most recent patch, I have never, not once, seen Germany even come CLOSE to losing.