A narração permite que uma reflexão profunda sobre todas as etapas da vida do protagonista Ivan Ilitch, desvendando-se a si próprio, aconteçam em uma incômoda cumplicidade com o leitor, pela voz de um narrador que parece se manter o mais distante possível.Iniciei, assim, esse editorial com a ousadia de emitir opinião literária, e, por isso mesmo, cometendo provavelmente uma heresia nessa área, para dizer que deveria, na condição de editor e supostamente formador de opinião, me comportar como o narrador da novela de Tolstoi, o que por motivos óbvios não consigo. Literariamente evidencia o magistral estilo do autor, que consegue narrar a dolorosa “via crucis” da personagem com a imparcialidade necessária para a construção de um universo literário especialíssimo. Filosoficamente, nos lembra quão ínfima é a nossa existência.

Não pude deixar de lembrar que essa novela de Tolstoi talvez tenha sido uma das histórias que mais me marcou. Deparei-me com o pequeno livro A morte de Ivan Ilitch. Em uma dessas caminhadas, fui levado a interromper indevidamente a atividade aeróbica para dar uma olhada em um título em português num. Longe do Brasil e, portanto, impedido de dar a habitual corrida ao redor da lagoa, vejo-me na obrigação, quase dever, de fazer longas caminhadas aqui em Paris, esperando, assim, que desse modo o corpo não se alargue, mais do que deve, abaixo da linha dos ombros. The first and most important step in this direction was taken by the Anglo-French Siamese Agreement of January, 1896, and it is only a few days since the ratifications of the latest Franco-Siamese treaty were exchanged in Paris.3 Read more His majesty’s present visit is not political, but the fact that he comes to us directly from Paris serves to recall the serious international questions with which Siam has been connected in the past, and to emphasize the great progress towards the final solution of those questions which has been made within the last fifteen years. and suddenly a catastrophe might have been caused by something that had little real importance.’2 A more helpful comment appeared in a Times editorial in 1907, on the occasion of the second visit to England of King Chulalongkorn of Siam: In 1909, Sir Edward Grey remarked that, ‘before 1904 we had constantly been on the brink of war with either France or Russia for instance, when I was at the Foreign Office in 1893, we had been thought to be on the brink of war with France about Siam…’.1 And after the 1914–18 war, in his autobiography, he concluded that ‘The controversy that arose about Siam in 1893 is an instance of how quickly. © 2010 Bryn Jones and Mike O’Donnell editorial matter and selection. Yet a week after Viansson-Ponte's article those same students would occupy Nanterre's administration building, creating what they called the ‘Movement of 22 March’. Complaints about dormitories were hardly the thing that ‘convulsions reshaping the world’ are made of. And in France, politics was organized by political parties its language was political ideologies. France's intellectual life was centred on the Sorbonne and the Ecole Normale, the cafés of the Latin Quarter, not a new campus on the edge of town. This was at a new university, poorly resourced (the buildings were not even completed), on the edge of Paris’ suburbs, not even serviced by the Metro system. Anyone familiar with French political culture can understand why he would attach so little importance to what was happening at Nanterre.

He observed in passing that a few students were demonstrating at Nanterre University for the right of female students to enter the male dormitories, dismissing this as ‘despite everything, a limited conception of human rights’. reshaping the world’, a place where ‘nothing is happening’.

The author, a former member of the Resistance and one of the country's most respected political commentators, bemoaned the fact that France was ‘removed from the convulsions. Introduction: Contested Legacies On 15 March 1968 France's most important newspaper, Le Monde, published an editorial by Pierre Viansson-Ponté, its chief political writer, entitled ‘France is bored’ (Viansson-Ponté 1968).